"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The women existed, but the mother never. A mother is something absolutely new. "
- Rajneesh
When I was pregnant everyone used to tell me, "try to enjoy this moment as much as possible coz after the baby is born ur not gona get any time for yourself"... I knew that I would be busy, what with the housework and a baby to look after, but I never knew I would be
this busy... It's not just about being busy but the fact that I can't do anything at the time I want to do them. Ayaan sets the schedules. He rules.
I remember the times when my baths used to be just before midnight. That was fun! :D Ayaan and Hafizka would be asleep and I would be soaking in a nice warm bath.. ahh... What to do... Baths in the day time would be such a rush that it would have been better not to have bothered with it in the first place, coz either I would be worrying that Ayaan would hurt himself somehow or else he would be screaming his heart out when he noticed me missing :-|
So the night time baths were a luxury.. :D
Cooking and cleaning were another problem... he wouldn't let me do it. He would always want me to play with him. People used to tell me to get him some new toys or put some cartoons to keep him occupied for the time being.... but ayaan wanted me with him always no matter what he is doing. I enjoy being with him but then when my work kept getting piled up, I had to do something about it...
I tried Tom&Jerry with him.... he didnt like... Girly cartoons were a total no-no... even Mickey Mouse club house...
As a matter of fact he didnt like watching anything. After a minute or 2 he gets off his chair and pulls me towards his toys to go play with him...
That's when my elder sister introduced us to
Pocoyo... :) a blessing and a curse(at times :))
I dont know what's so special about these episodes but my son looooves them! He says, "Hi!" when pocoyo says hi.. :) He even wakes up saying, "Cocoyy"
I'm trying to get him to watch other stuff too but he's partial to this one...
There's another one which has also got his attention:
Jungle Junction. Both are educational in their own ways but pocoyo is much better suited for a toddler...
And so, I was able to get a bit more time for everything else at home. And for myself...
It's not that I am annoyed with him or that I dont like being with him... a little time for oneself is a must or else you'll go crazy... :)
Ayaan also likes listening to the gummy bear song :)
I'm also kinda addicted to pocoyo now :D
Time has pass by so fast... he's growing up so fast.... :(
I've learnt to just go with the flow... keeping a schedule is no use with a baby... learn to accept the unexpected :D
My baby is going to turn 2 in a month and few days... big boy...
I miss that little teeny baby but at the same time I love this energetic bundle of laughter :)